Is the issue of screen time a constant in your home? Are you frequently battling with your child to return your phone or turn off the iPad? Struggling to enforce TV and video game time limits? The good news is you are not alone!
I can hear the guilt in your head. I have it too. With all of the screens in our lives, it feels like trying to live in a candy store without overindulging. We can’t go back and change what we have done in the past, but I invite you to look forward and make changes to support your vision for your family.
It is so easy to rely on screens as a means of entertainment and to keep kids quiet. The drawback to using screens as a babysitter or entertainer is that it also creates an addictive dynamic, which probably fuels the existing power struggle you most likely already have with your child.
If you want to create more peace and eliminate some of the screen struggles in your family, you don't have to go through it alone because the last Friday of every March is the NATIONAL DAY OF UNPLUGGING! Yeah, everyone else is doing it, why not join in?
This is a great opportunity to experiment with what limits you can put on your children and yourself in terms of using screens and technology. You are modeling the behaviors your children are replicating or will soon replicate. It is important to start with practicing your own self-restraint and focusing on your self-control. You might feel like your kids are out of control and impulsive, what about you? What behaviors are you modeling for your children, contributing to the screen struggles? (BTW, I am guilty and actively working on this too!)
If you can believe it, studies suggest that self-control is contagious! Researchers have found that watching or even thinking about someone with good self-control makes others more likely to show the same restraint. They also found that the opposite holds true — people with crummy self-control influence others negatively. The effect is so powerful that just seeing the name of someone with good or bad self-control flashing on a screen for 10 milliseconds changed the behavior of volunteers. Just by exhibiting self-control, you are helping your children do the same. It is a win-win: You get to be more present when you are with your child and they will have more self-control when it comes to the screens in their life.
There is no time like the present to create change. This is an opportunity to experiment and see what is possible when we create space for it. Take matters into your own hands, put down your screen and join the Childproof Parenting parents community in the National Day of Unplugging.
Check out the National Unplug Day events taking place in cities across the country and a long list of ideas for families and educators. For more ideas on how to unplug and ways to get supported in the process, you can read my previous blog post: Technology Time: Setting Limits That Work.